Hey Everyone,
Great input and points made.
With my absence and time away from this forum I was unaware of what was transpiring, although if memory serves me correctly I do recall it was beginning before I had left. I don't know I kinda checked out end of June and my last post and visit, until recently was back on July 5th 2014.
Hidden asked me to come on as an admin a while ago now to help with the forum, it was to be temporary.
I don't mind being an admin, although I have not executed that many duties since being one.
The most recent change I made was I added a new thread for Coops.
When I first joined on as an admin, during that time I recall the forum was more lively and things were running a bit smoother. There was not much for myself to do back then. And it kind of continued on that way, I never really did much administration, I was more or less available for backup as I have prior experience with this platform.
Technically this is not my forum to administer and make changes. The way I see it is this is an open community and I personally like to get the opinion of fellow users before making any significant changes. I had in the past and it caused confusion and eventually was reverted to the original platform.
As this is Hidden's forum, and she asked myself to join as an admin I have always felt out of respect that I run any changes or suggestions past her before implementation.
I have been making a list of changes and such that could have a positive impact.
Over the past few days I have been going through the forum and noticed that it has a resemblance like that of swiss cheese, as a few peeps have mentioned on this thread there are numerous posts that have been removed and there are a lot of holes, missing threads etc.
I was unaware of the change with the forum's url address, these things happen, as this forum is provided by a "hosted company" WCPS technically uses their platform for free, when I deactivated my email notifications when I was going through personal matters, I wasn't getting updates.
One way to combat the forum's url address change is to send an email notification to registered users informing them of the changed url.
That is something I plan to do today.
With the numerous posts that have deleted content and such, I don't think deleting the threads will fix anything. In my logic it does not make sense to further delete these threads completely from the forum, much like the suggestion of this thread being deleted, I would much rather just archive it.
It will require myself to systematically go through each and every thread that has deleted posts and move those threads to an "Archive". This archive forum for "dead threads" can be hidden or available for public viewing, most commonly they are cached.
With response to making uploading pics more user friendly, that would require an instructional thread all on it's own. With numerous online image hosting sites available, such as Imgur, flickr, etc. it has become increasingly easier to upload multiple pictures to these online file storage sites for images and videos and then copy and paste the appropriate link.
On my list of things to do is to create a Tutorial on how to upload pics, and the easiest hassle free method.
I was questioned by a good friend of mine who is a member of this site and ACE, as to why even bother... why put the time, stress, effort into trying to revive this online community.
Of course I questioned it myself...
Well the answer is... Its a project. I like projects.
I just finished wrapping up Project Management and really enjoyed the many aspects I had learned through the content knowledge of the course.
My schooling has taught me something about myself, that is I really enjoy a good challenge. And I see this as a really good challenge. Will it be successful, how will I profit or gain from this, who knows.
Success can be defined so many ways, and with regards to this forum can be determined by setting and achieving milestones I guess. The way in which I will profit and gain from this, and I am not referring to the monetary gains that most associate with the word profit, I am referring to profiting from the gained "experience". The chance to apply some of what I have learned and continue to grow myself as not only an entrepreneur but also as a respected member of the poultry community.
First and foremost I need to be proactive and contact Hidden and get her approval.