I woke up to a pip in one of my guinea eggs this morning (it’s only day 24) after going into early lockdown last night because I planned to be in MJ for most of today. Well I just got home an hour ago and the little guy has made NO further progress…since the membrane looked quite dry (bright white) I thought he might be shrink wrapped. So I upped humidity to 75%, (it was at 65%) and since there are no other pips, I took the egg out to see if I could remove a bit of the shell to help the little guy zip. He was peeping and struggling the whole time. This is when I noticed one leg seems to be wrapped over his head and it’s no wonder he’s having problems. I carefully moistened the exposed membrane with Q-tips dipped in warm water. Then I wrapped the egg in a damp baby washcloth and put it back in the bator. What should I do now, if anything? Does early pipping mean he was ready to hatch, or did he just try to soon? Ugh, I hate not knowing what to do!!!
Western Canada Poultry Swap