I am trying to decide whether or not to sell my beautiful buff sussex rooster. He is from Jonny Anvil and was the lighter color that they are supposed to be. I have a barnevelder rooster too that we love because he is so gentle and good to the girls. The buff sussex really likes his own breed and my buff sussex girls are getting pretty beat up. They are so not good at not getting caught like all my other birds. I was thinking of separating them but I don't really enjoy managing them to that extent. If I just had one breed of roosters it would be easy to collect the barnie eggs and just hatch out barnies because their eggs would be the only dark ones. I need simple in my life.right now The hard part is my rooster is the friendliest I have ever had. He doesn't mind being touched or picked up, eats out of my hand and I have never seen any aggression from him towards anything. He is so beautiful( except for the chunk of feathers missing off his back where the other roo got him). I would love to find a home for him where he could free range or a really large run as he has never been caged up.
Western Canada Poultry Swap