I have put the fear of death in mine by hanging it by its legs, pinning it, whacking it and even placing my hands around its neck, gently but firmly (as suggested by Gail Damerow for aggressive ganders) and non of it worked..........it put him off for a week to ten days but then he'd do it again and it became more frequent. He is not here anymore, if you know what I mean.
A breeder suggested to me to try not responding/reacting at all. Let him think he's top dog by not challenging him and just ignoring him (imagine a more submissive rooster if your ego can handle it - LOL). After 3 or 4 times he may stop, realizing you're not a threat after all.
I'm new at this but have had 3 out 4 roosters go bad. I will try the non-reactive approach for the first time with the latest fellow.
Good luck.