HigginsRAT wrote: call ducks wrote:I have had a fair number of people ask me if i am selling Hungrain Yellow Eggs. My awser is the same No. The biggest reason is they do not lay good enough (yes) to sell eggs. I have one hen that is over a year old and i am not sure if she has laid yet. BUT this spring well be the first year i am expecting eggs from that hen. Gerrrrr i have to think of a way to increase egg production and STAT.
Any one have any ideas with out out-cross?
Heel low:
There are many of us who never sell eggs, preferring to set serious people up with a "good start."
Good ol' Uncle Roy refers to them as something like a smallish New Hampshire (Dr. Crawford has had the Hungarian Yellows since the 1960's and is the primary flock for the world)...is it possible to find a few "hatchery" New Hampshires maybe and after you get some purebred chicks on the ground, maybe use one of these New Hampshire roosters on your hen. You could also "share" your lovely HY rooster; keep a pen of New Hampshire hens and allow the HY rooster to visit them every few days.
I would try to keep your purebred ones identified and these F1 crosses to breed back to the dam and sire, try to bump up purity. I am sure you know all about breeding or grading up to full purebred status. ALBC accepts 15/16's for heritage labeling.
Something to think about. Good luck, brave young lad...you make us proud!
Doggone & Chicken UP!
Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta
- Miss yah Makes; December 7, 1995 – February 4, 2011 ^~~^
WF: DUCKS: Calls (24 varieties), East Indies, Mandarins, Crested Ducks, Australian Spotted, Hookbills, & Appleyards.
GEESE: Buff & Buff Pied American.
SWANS: Australian Black.
LF: BANTAM Brahmas, Wyandottes, Booteds, & Chanteclers & STANDARD Chanteclers (Partridge, Buff, Orange Clay, & White).
Heritage TURKEYS (Jersey Buff, Wishard Bronze, Narragansett, Slate, Red Bronze, Rusty Black, Red Blue Bronze, Lilac, & Sweetgrass).
PHEASANTS: Red Golden & Silver.
Registered: Australian Cattle Dogs, Jacob Sheep, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, & Llamas. Pond Fish.