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Gnarly pictures of my allergic reaction. (Don't look!)

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Golden Member
Golden Member

My husband said, "Don't post that!". But I am gonna do it anyway because deep down don't we all like to see yucky things. Jaime, if this is inappropriate or objectionable, please take it down.

I have lots of allergies. I chalk it up to my mom. She cleaned way too much. Too much bleach. I am working hard in my life not to make the same mistake. Not to do too much cleaning that is.

Anyway, I am allergic to legumes. Beans, peas, peanuts, lentils, all verboten.

This weekend I moved hay. It was an alfalfa/grass mix. Without thinking I moved it in shorts, bracing the bales against my legs as I shoved, lifted and heaved. Sure they were getting a little scratched up, but I was busy and barely noticed.

So at the end of a long day I took my scratched up legs inside for a shower and I was horrified to see that under the dirt and blood my legs were a roadmap of scrapes and blisters. They felt like bubble wrap! D'uh! Alfalfa is a legume.

So now I am treating you to pictures of my blistering bloodied legs. They don't look nearly as bad here as they did when you look at them in person, and they feel really cool. Kind of like speedbumps.

I find as I get older I tend to forget I have physical limitations. If I forget again I just have to look at these pictures and say to myself, "If it hurts, then stop, stupid!"

Next up... Throat pictures after eating alfalfa sprouts.

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heda gobbler

heda gobbler
Golden Member
Golden Member

Ok. So I cannot look and not comment. I am not allergic to anything I know of but get those same bumps on my arms when shifting bales. Maybe I don't see the worst of it because of the limitations of photography.

I do think you were very brave to wear shorts for all this. I am, I think, within five years of you in age (vaguely remembering earlier posts) and have given up wearing shorts long long ago. Not so much due to conceit as to the vagaries of ranching. So I don't get those bumps on my legs thanks to my carharts.

So I will say that apart from the bumps and bloody spots: GREAT LEGS GIRL!



Full Time Member
Full Time Member

Poor Sue looks nasty. I wear jeans to move bales. We moved some early this Summer time about 100 in 30 deg weather yes in jeans , but boy the shower felt real good after Very Happy
Mind I still need to get 400 more bales moved as I am only half way bringing in my Winter bales for the animals.
Take care of yourself Sue



Golden Member
Golden Member

Ouch, now that has gotta be stinging ya, but other than that, I agree with Heda, great legs Sue!! Did ya learn something tho? smiling. Have an awesome day, CynthiaM.


Golden Member
Golden Member

Well, I wasn't fishing for compliments, but thank-you! Did I learn something, Cynthia? Priobably not. I tend to work first and think later. One time I was carrying loads of bush to the back 40 and walked right through a lush patch of nettles in my shorts...twice!


Golden Member
Golden Member


So... I am guessing that you have discovered why people put on coverALLS (that includes the legs) to toss hay.


Golden Member
Golden Member

Kinda gives the term "Roll in the hay" a whole new meaning! Ouch!


Golden Member
Golden Member

Schipperkesue wrote:Kinda gives the term "Roll in the hay" a whole new meaning! Ouch!
Bawh ha, ha, conjured up a funny picture in my mind's eye Shocked Very Happy , can't imagine actually "rolling" in some hay, gotta be pretty painful, and why rolling? Alligator deadlock maybe. Have a wonderful day, CynthiaM.

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