Chick held in left hand in a baggie, head outside of the baggie, tug with a decent tug, you want to ensure head removal, head pops off and as soon as that occurs, the head goes into the baggie in which the chick is. I hold the baby in the baggie for a moment or two, give a blessing for thoughts of a nicer place to be, close the zip of the baggie. The chick only lives for not even a second after the head removal and very little blood. Tough love. If I am to do these things, I must do them quickly and removal of the head this way is fast, death imminent, blood very, very minimal. I could never imagine taking a chick and banging its head on a counter, wall or anything like that, it probably would not work for me. Instant death with the cervical ripped in half. Sigh. We may all have to do this one day. This is my method. Fast, barely any blood, a tear falls, the deed is done. CynthiaM.