authenticfarm wrote:
Not sure I would ever use "handsome" or "beautiful" to describe him. I would go with fugly, so-ugly-he's-cute, and/or delicious.
thank you Authentic for putting those extra pictures up. He is quite a character isn't he
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?
Such solid leggies and breastasies, am feeling a foray into the world of spatchcock for this evening's dinner on account of this talk of eating cornish chooks! I have but a humble store bought birdie in the freezer, time to retrieve. Could you seriously eat ABNS with that endearing "sharing" attitude?? Of all my chickens I find the dark cornish the least aesthetically beautiful (love the feathers very much and their characters too) but the crosses are quite nice. I do love their nuggety bodies and am thinking I will keep the black australorp x dc and buff orp x dc pullets, along with the two straight dc pullets because I think that like Heda and Karaandblu, and BCKev and many others probably, looking for good meat crosses.
Karaandblue I noticed that when the dc were younger they would be more flighty and run about, fly to the moon sort of kids but they have sort of settled down a bit now. Still "get about town" but less in the air. When I go in to the coop they are always eating the snow off my boots.
Authentic, Do you think ABNS would make a good cross with your Chanteclers? Will take some photos of the crosses to show what they are like, just for curiosity sake. One is the pullet I asked about yonks ago, was she a pure bred dk cornish. To trained eyes, of course not but I had no idea then, just thought she was very pretty.
Here is a pic of Roast some months back, couldn't help myself, the faster he grew like he did the more I saw him as something to put in the oven. Same age as the purbred pullet in the picture but gigantic in size beside her. Think I already put this picture up? not sure. He is now much more defined and developed cordination - funny body was unco back then. He's a dc x white wyandotte and this might be a winning blend because he grew very fast. All the other roosters have caught up but I dare say they don't have the mighty breasty chesty he does. Will take a current pic today of him. Am on the hunt for mites and lice so will take pics before I become the body groper they didn't know lived in the big house, today I am rummaging in their fluffy regions for crawlies
. And he's barred, help with the sex link thing?