At the Salmon Arm poultry swap I swapped a dozen of my Ameraucana eggs for a dozen of BC Kev's standard Dark Cornish and crosses. 4 were discarded during candling. Of the 8 remaining, all have hatched! Thank you, Kev, and thanks for advising me to put a blanket over my incubator (I think that was you), because of the wide temp fluctuations in my house. This was the best hatch I've had this year. How did my eggs do for you?
I had 7 Ameraucana eggs under a hen for 2 weeks, then threw them in the bator with the Cornish for the last week and they ALL hatched! So happy! Also, 4 out of 4 Light Sussex and 5 out of 8 Welsummer. Very good, all in all.
I had 7 Ameraucana eggs under a hen for 2 weeks, then threw them in the bator with the Cornish for the last week and they ALL hatched! So happy! Also, 4 out of 4 Light Sussex and 5 out of 8 Welsummer. Very good, all in all.
Last edited by SucellusFarms on Fri May 31, 2013 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total