I agree with you, Prairie Dog. The creation of heat, to keep us from freezing into solid little Canadian popsicles, is going to have to use energy. Period. But not all of it is created equal.
I feel that coal, had we not dug it p and started burning it, would still be sitting in the ground, happy and buried and maybe even turning into diamonds. Trees on the other hand pop up willy nilly, eventually drop over dead and rot, emitting whatever it is rotten trees emit OR get burned up in naturally occurring fires.
I also like to think that the physical act of WORKING for firewood, of maintaining a fire burning system makes me a little more appreciative and aware of the heat we have. The act of building a fire keeps me grounded to hearth and home, since in essence, I am the fireman. If I'm not here filling the furnace, things get cold. I think when you just flip a switch for heat, you do so with no awareness, no real connection to what it takes to make a house warm in this country. Sure, you pay a bill (we still pay our Hydro bill!) but paying a bill is an act very far removed from falling trees, bucking, loading in a truck, unloading, splitting, stacking, drying, bringing into house, making kindling, cleaning chimney.......
I feel that coal, had we not dug it p and started burning it, would still be sitting in the ground, happy and buried and maybe even turning into diamonds. Trees on the other hand pop up willy nilly, eventually drop over dead and rot, emitting whatever it is rotten trees emit OR get burned up in naturally occurring fires.
I also like to think that the physical act of WORKING for firewood, of maintaining a fire burning system makes me a little more appreciative and aware of the heat we have. The act of building a fire keeps me grounded to hearth and home, since in essence, I am the fireman. If I'm not here filling the furnace, things get cold. I think when you just flip a switch for heat, you do so with no awareness, no real connection to what it takes to make a house warm in this country. Sure, you pay a bill (we still pay our Hydro bill!) but paying a bill is an act very far removed from falling trees, bucking, loading in a truck, unloading, splitting, stacking, drying, bringing into house, making kindling, cleaning chimney.......