Kim from Kamloops wrote:That would have been awesome had you kept the orginal line going back to you're Grandfather...EH?
I know, he mentioned the size of the birds that we had now were much smaller then the ones he remembers.
When I was at the show I had the chance to speak with the Judge about my Coronation Sussex, and she informed me that if I was to switch out the colour, my Coronation Sussex is exactly what the Light Sussex should be like as far as type markings and so one, This also goes she mentioned for the Speckled Sussex, overall the Coro that I showed is the Ideal body type for the Sussex as a whole, not just the colour.
I have seen them side by side in the past when we still had LS hens, and they almost looked like bantams next to our Coronations. Mind you those lines were from the UofA here in Edmonton.
I am now playing with Coronation Sussex Hens from, PrettyFeather in Chilliwack, and was able to get two very nice Light Sussex Roosters from Coopslave, I have seen a drastic improvement from the quality of the LS Roos we had when we first started to what we have acquired from Coopslave...... it's nice to kick off this project again and to start off with Quality birds. Thanks to both Coopslave and PrettyFeathers for feeding my addiction.
Not to bash the UofA lines, but man they have some tiny Light Sussex hens, and Roosters not sure if they are more of a egg production, but even then they lay a small egg. Don't get it?
Rooster from UofA lines, notice the horrible hackle markings...
UofA light Sussex Hen
These two were tiny
Rooster from Coopslave, Notice his nice markings on his hackle... I think at least.
So more or less the Coronation hens we currently have in our flock are right on the Money, as for what the breed should be like, the goal now is to work with these Gals to improve upon the Light Sussex. To get them back to the right type.
So from all my research and information I have picked up along my ventures, and I should mention a lot of it is a huge part from Tsamis. We are starting on a developed breeding plan to improve the over all quality of our Sussex as a whole.
This is a project to bring us together, father and son, and improve and bring back The Sussex starting with Lights and Coro's.
In the future we are also planning on improving our Buff Sussex lines, but that is later down the road.
This is our own little project, something we hope to one day share with others!