yeah thanks Karaandblue . so if you see a pullet checking out a laying box, as if she is looking at a potential rental property, it might mean laying is imminent? I have to go hang out there so they can relax a little and get about normal stuff - I will be a spy . wish I had something to warm the cockles of me heart though, bit nippy. They have gotten used to me checking the laying boxes like a stalker now, almost as if I'm a very large chicken with gumboots on! oo, Wallace and Gromit moment, remember the penguin, wears gumboots doesn't it?
Authentic I have a Sylvie, Silver is very nice name. Sylvie is a light sussex, maybe this is a very common theme name amongst the sussex breed. Olive is nice too. All those people who don't name their chickens probably rolling their eyes and being sick on their keyboards right now. haven't got names for them all, certainly not all the roosters - that is a no-no for me
Authentic I have a Sylvie, Silver is very nice name. Sylvie is a light sussex, maybe this is a very common theme name amongst the sussex breed. Olive is nice too. All those people who don't name their chickens probably rolling their eyes and being sick on their keyboards right now. haven't got names for them all, certainly not all the roosters - that is a no-no for me