I recall reading a post about cooling eggs, that was some time ago. I do not cool at all, except unless the power goes out (which can happen on rare occasion) and when candling. Never have, never would bother, don't know if it is any use. Think of a broody hen. I have had broodies in the past that will leave the eggs for sometime, to take a dust bath, eat, bop around, whatever. Mostly though, when I have a broody, they are hunkered down, flat on the nest. I NEVER see them get off. I know they do, cause their food and water diminishes. And now and then, and I mean, really, now and then, during 21 days, I see a big, enormous broody poop, I iimagine it is the broody hen
, not another one. So ya, I don't' think broodies get off the nest to cool the eggs each day, especially for long periods of time. So yep, I would never in a million years bother to do that. Why? The broody does not get off her nest intentionally to cool eggs, why should we? I dunno, just thoughts here I guess. Have a wonderful day, CynthiaM.