Four broodys. Day 22 no sign of hatching under barred rock.I am not sure why but I noticed that she has her eggs fairly close to the front of her breast and they never feel as warm as they usually do.. The Wyandotte( my most dependable broody) sat on wrong nest let her eggs get cold(purchased ameracuana eggs). only one viable egg with air sac in wrong place. Chicken number three due to hatch in a couple of days. All was going splendidly in the new nursery area with three separated brooding areas connected to a common large run, until I noticed that one mama with chicks was attacking the broody when she got off her nest. After observing for a couple of days I realized she was afraid to go back to her nest because the nasty one was guarding the door. When I chased her away The broody immediately flew onto her nest, but the eggs were a little cool by then.Don't know hats going to happen there. I just put 6 barnie eggs from Islandgal99. , I am going to do some shuffling tonight so that she is in a safe place. That is my sad tale. Not sure what to do if they don't hatch anything. could find some chicks to put under them but I really don't want any more different breeds.
Western Canada Poultry Swap