I have my first broody hen! At least, it looks that way. I have read the books, but people's personal experience and advice is much more helpful. The hen is Charlotte, a light-coloured partridge chantecler. For about 5 days now she only gets off the nest in the afternoon to dust bathe and eat. However, she has only laid one egg. Aren't they supposed to be laying and stockpiling their eggs for brooding? Anyways, I was thinking to put her in one of my chicken tractors tonight, which I had hoped would one day be used for a brooding hen. Should I at the same time put some eggs under her? How many should I try? How fresh should they be? Or should I choose ones from the fridge? Do I really need to candle them? Anything I am forgetting? It will be so exciting if this works. If it does the results could be interesting, as I have one pen with white and partridge chanteclers, and one mixed with various breeds and a silver and black ameraucana rooster over them. It will be fun deciding on whose eggs to put under her. Thanks for any help that is offered.
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