OK you bunch of bad boys and girls, bacon eating hounds!! I think there is a consensus that bacon is mighty fine food. And guess what, green bean season is just around the corner. My pole beans are setting flowers and I know within 2 weeks gonna have lots o' green beans. Two types, the flattish romano style, meaty and oh man, full of bean flavour (got a special one that I ordered that replaced basically the one that I used to grow marketed by West Coast Seeds (Territorial seeds at that time) called "Musica". Can't find that bean but have a replacement one, evidently the same, smiling and blue lake pole. Two tried and true pole beans. Right where was I. Not to go too much off topic, I have taken that recipe about bacon wrapped beans and made a word document and put it in the recipe section. Just easier than going to the website, revamped the recipe a little so it did not take up as much space either. Go there, the recipe is a good one that looks like it will rock our bacon soaked socks!!
Tara, you are such a teasing girl, you tease the ever living daylights out of me, and I think you are funny
, you silly girl. Off to probably think about cooking some of the homegrown, bacon, cured and processed by Sedo meatshop for our toasted tomato and bacon sandwiches for lunch. Cut thickly, and oh man oh man, ain't it all just a good ol' thing. Have a most wonderful day, CynthiaM.