Heel low:
Go here bigrock regarding shank colourations in chickens.
https://wcps.canadian-forum.com/t8080-shank-colour-in-chickens#68527 Flicker Chick wrote:I also went back and rechecked my 2013 hatch log and I have her mom listed as a blue AM, and the egg she hatched from as blue shelled. And definitely no pointy saddle feathers, all smooth and round cushion. Guess that sinches it then. WOOHOO!!!
The Barred allele (genetic instructions to be Barred) came from the sire or father of this pullet. Not the mother (she is NOT Barred) because she is responsible for making the daughter female with her w gender allele which is a blank or empty of alleles as far as Barred is concerned. Since she herself was not Barred, even her sons would not have gotten Barring from her (her sons mighta from the DAD, oui!). Her small w chromosome that determines gender to be female for her daughters is too short and does not contain that locus (place where Barring/Cuckoo would be located if it were longer like the z male chromosome).
It is Dad's fault this daughter could be Barred...so you know Mom is NOT Barred but the Dad IS Barred. Dad could be one dose (so dark side of Barred) or two doses (so light side of Barred) of Barred but he is indeed the culprit.
Fun stuff being chicken detectives..."Who done it?" LMBO
Do you have any "Barred" male birds about?
You could determine her father by him being Barred and see if he has the one dose of Barred (darker but Barred so impure) or the two doses of Barred (lighter Barred so pure for Barring) by looking at the photos I posted above to assist you in determining if he is one dose or two doses of Barred.
In future, take lots of photos of the chick down and the chicks as they grow and you can make yourself an expert at understanding what the Barred babes look like in many of the stages as they develop. By having a history of photos, you can study the progression and educate yourself. This could and should be your reason to always be oogling yer birds...
Peeping Toms in so many ways! We are all so very sick...have the bird flu, we SO do!
Autosexing. As pointed out by Silverudd (1974), sex-linked barring (B) could be called the autosexing gene, since it has been the key ingredient in all true autosexing stocks. Sex differentiation is accomplished through the well-established dosage effect of B. On appropriate genetic backgrounds, homozygous barring in males lightens down color appreciably more than does the hemizygous condition in females. This B-associated difference is apparent on a wide variety of phenotypes, but is most obvious on a striped down background.
– Dr. Roy D. Crawford
I am not sure if having Barred birds was your intention (you can do autosexing breedings in future) or not or the objective of where you wanna go with the birds in future. Just nice to know how to go about making more Barred. I personally prefer the Cuckoo's because it is cold here in AB and their feathers grow in quickly being Cuckoo (Barred with fast feather growth).
A little after the fact but here is a comparison of mammals and bird genders. Some find photos and drawings easier to understand than mere words...gives them the bigger picture!
Hope this helps.
BTW, she's a sweet looking
BOO chicken pullet, Congrats! There are many fans here of the BEARDED ladies. Hee hee...
Doggone & Chicken UP!
Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta
^~~^ Miss yah Makes (Dec 7, 1995–Feb 4, 2011) Miss yah HyBlade (Mar 23, 2000-Aug 7, 2012) ^~~^
WF: DUCKS: Calls (24 varieties), East Indies, Mandarins, Crested Ducks, Australian Spotted, Hookbills, & Appleyards.
GEESE: Buff & Buff Pied American.
SWANS: Australian Black.
LF: BANTAM Brahmas, Wyandottes, Booteds, & Chanteclers & STANDARD Chanteclers (Partridge, Buff, Red Orange Clay, & White).
Heritage TURKEYS: Wishard Bronze, Red Bronze, Blue Bronze (Red/Bronze Slate/Fawn), Red Blue Bronze, Blue Slate, Rusty Black, Dilute Rusty Black, Narragansett, Jersey Buff, JB Grey downed, Bourbon Red, Lilac, White & Sweetgrass/Ronquière (Black, Red & White (Desert Palm/Sweetgrass tricolour/Yellow-shouldered Ronquière), Black & White (Royal Palm BLACK patterned Ronquière Jaspee), Red & White (Royal Palm RED patterned Ronquière Fauve), & Rich red/chocolate patterned (Ronquière Perdrix).
PHEASANTS: Red Golden & Silver.
Registered: Australian Cattle Dogs, Jacob Sheep, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, & Llamas. Pond Fish.
____(\ Tara Lee Higgins /)____
(_____~> Higgins Rat Ranch - An ACD is for LIFE <~_____)
( `` `` Alberta, Canada `` `` )
ranchrat@telusplanet.net /
http://www.wolven.ca/higgins/ratranch (