Okay in the wake of all the messy hurt feelings and postings and erasing of all said postings I have this looming question in my head...
Are/Have we become TOO politcically correct?
I'm by NO means saying we should go back to the days of shock therapy, back of the bus for you but when do you stop. Stop worrying if n's feelings got hurt because you spoke up for what you believe. Made a statement that works for you. Gave an opposing view.
I am pretty sure that most us rode bikes without helmuts.
Ate food off the counter.
Didn't get participation medals and we did keep score of who lost and who won!Because in life there's always a winner and always a loser. If you wanted to win you had to work together and fight for it you had to work. You actually had something to strive for the next practice or season.
We made it this far in the world we must have done something right?
I have to stop here I did something to my keyboard and I have to figure it out ahhhh. It erases with the spacebar when I jump up to correct a spelling
Are/Have we become TOO politcically correct?
I'm by NO means saying we should go back to the days of shock therapy, back of the bus for you but when do you stop. Stop worrying if n's feelings got hurt because you spoke up for what you believe. Made a statement that works for you. Gave an opposing view.
I am pretty sure that most us rode bikes without helmuts.
Ate food off the counter.
Didn't get participation medals and we did keep score of who lost and who won!Because in life there's always a winner and always a loser. If you wanted to win you had to work together and fight for it you had to work. You actually had something to strive for the next practice or season.
We made it this far in the world we must have done something right?
I have to stop here I did something to my keyboard and I have to figure it out ahhhh. It erases with the spacebar when I jump up to correct a spelling