Ah girl, this makes me smile. I too have often wondered why the brooding mamma hen indeed does not starve to death. She will eat when she needs to eat. By the time of the brooding session, she will be very thin, if you can get to her to pick her up, shock, shock. doubtful. I firmly believe that when they go into the brooding mamma position, that they are in a state of ease. A state, wherein nature has allowed her to not require much food. Neither will she defecate very much. But when she does....look out for that broody mamma poo, it stinks and it is huge, and ducks are worse, oh man, you don't want to be around when a duck brooding comes out to poo, talk about projectile STENCH!!! And lots of it. Don't worry about her. She will eat and drink when she requires it. She is not so stupid that she would starve to death, this is not natural, everything requires food, she will govern what she needs. If it is there, she will take it. You have a most beautiful set up for this gal, and she will sneak behind your back and munch up and drink up food and water. Don't worry. let nature be nature, and she will be alright, everything will be alright. Trust me. Please. I know a little, enough to be of danger mostly to myself
You have the perfect area for her, away from others that would bother her, a place for her to have that quiet time that she needs. Hunkered down, flat as a pancake, with that knowing look in her eye, that she has a surprise below that beautiful belly, for you and herself, in about 19 days time now. Build that little ramp, for when she takes babies out of the box, about 2 days after they have hatched. She won't take them out until then, maybe even 3 days, but certainly not the first or second day. She is smarter than that, they need to get their sea legs and have strength, she knows that....she will look after their needs. Buff orpingtons are the most beautiful moms. I actually think they are better at mothering than the well known mother cochins, never woulda thunk that, but from my experience now with two seasons of buff mammas, they are premium. Leave her alone. Let her eat when she chooses, and drink when she chooses, she is in a state of ease. A state of down, not requiring much to keep her life going....picture immobility, doing nothing but sitting on eggs, no illness to need food to help recover, just a state of quiet and ease. You too, rest at ease, all will be well. have a most beautiful day, CynthiaM.