Western Canada Poultry Swap
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Western Canada Poultry Swap

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April 16, 2013 hatch, 16 days old, barnevelders and welsummers (lots of pics)

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Golden Member
Golden Member

So, back to the hatch of April 16, last, we now have chicks that are 3 weeks old. Well, almost anyways. They are 18 days old today. Barnevelders and welsummers, lovely. But boy oh boy, this has been very stressful, in such a little way, I should not even be speaking to that ugly thing called stress. Cause it really is not a stressor, but feels like one, a little teeny, tiny one. I shall explain, smiling.

I am the variety of person that likes to know things. I like things in order, I do not do well with instability, nor feeling like I do not understand something. Just me. I do not understand these chicks’ appearance, but am beginning to, smiling again. I think I may have mentioned that for my own peace of mind, and trying to ward of mental illness, lol, I would not incubate these two breeds at the same time. They look identical as little ones, and only in the past couple of days have I noticed really some differences. Yes, I have heard that the welsummers have a distinct triangle on their head of darker down. Yes. When I was trying to ascertain breed, I did correctly separate the two different breeds, and took pictures of each breed in a wooden bucket, but it was stressful, smiling again. Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like stress things? I don’t. So, if incubating again, absolutely, will not incubate chicks that have similar genetics that would make identification of said breeds difficult. Mentioning again, this is something I term as stress. To some it may be nuthin’, but to me it is not a good thing. Bordering mental illness, now this has gone by the wayside and I am feeling quite comfortable. (you all do know that I am joshing here, right??).

So yes, this was a post about the little ones, and I am pretty sure now, at 16 days old, I do know who is who in the zoo. I can see differences in comb on just a few, which I will deem to be of the male gender, but only on the welsummer. The barnevelder are not showing comb redness and increased comb size yet (well, that this untrained eye can see anyways). And yes, they are lighter in colour, they do not display that black eyeliner which I see on some darker welsummer chicks, the black down that extends from the eye to the earlobe. Me thinking that they are indeed males. That is good. Males are good and have their place. I do not have intention of breeding welsummer, just can’t do that, no room for another breed. I will let others do that for me, should I need more welsummer chicks, smiling.

I am spending lots of time looking at these little ones, and they too spend lots of time eyeballing me up. I am changing the brooder after these guys go on Monday to their new home in the chick house. To have fun with some new playmates that are 2 weeks older. They are wishing to spread their wings and flip flop around. They can to a certain extent, but need more room, asap. I am going to go back to how I had this brooder before. With the walls only about 18 inches high, with poultry wire that extends vertically for about 12 inches, to make that tall brooder. I don’t like that when I go and see them that I am looking down on them and they are looking up at me. I think that is not good. I think that they think I am a predator. In the old brooder, before Hubby revamped this one, when I came to visit the chicks, they could see me through the wire part and I did not appear as a looming, something-or-other, coming to look at them from above, but from the side. I think it would make for happier chicks. So, changing things a little, again. My poor Husband, the things he does for love.

Yes, so where was I? Right, gonna show a whack of pictures of the babies at 16 days old. The welsummers are looking quite spotted looking, lighter in colour. The barnevelders are darker, with not speckly looking new feathers, but a more distinct line of speckle. Make sense? Ya, probably not, but only description that can flow from my mind at this point in time. Also notice that the barnevelders have a dark head, some do not have a full dark head, but a big obscure dark mark on the head, is that gender related? I don’t know. But I do notice on the barnevelders that dark head is very beautiful coloured, it is a shade of mahogany, kind of with an auburn tinge. I am really stoked, cause I think these are going to be very, very beautiful coloured. Of course the welsummer too, but I think I am leaning towards the darker coloured brown. Enjoy the pictures. There will not be any captions on the pictures, unless I get to ramblin’ again, just have a gander at the pictures and enjoy. And with that, have a most beautiful day, CynthiaM.

I wish my little camera that lives in the back pocket of my jeans had not given up. I have to depend on my blackberry, takes OK pictures, and handy to load to facebook, but geeeze, that graininess is just not good. I have the phone camera set on the highest pixels, but still, some graininess. My kingdom again for a pocket camera. Oh well, don't they say that all good things take time, but puleeeeze, come on!!
The two that appear different are the welsummer, if I am not mistaken

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the two most clearly seen, with the V, smiling, I believe are the welsummer

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A little area (OK can’t help myself, have to talk a little) where the sun was shining in on babies. Even though they still have a heat lamp, they DO love sunshine, who doesn’t.

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The full picture of the little one on the left is the welsummer, if I am not mistaken

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Golden Member
Golden Member

You are getting the hang of it. The breast feathers will help, but remember the male Welsummers have a black breast too but are much oranger in hackle and saddle than the Barnevelders. There are people around to help you with things when they are a bit older. Wink
Don't stress, this is supposed to be FUN!!!

vic's chicks

Active Member
Active Member

You are just the person I need to speak to Cynthia. As soon as my camera battery is charged up I will send some pictures of my four chicks that came from performance poultry. Two I am positive are barnevelders and the third is most likely but he fourth doesn't look anything like the others where it is feathering out. I am like you it drives me crazy if I don't know or understand something.

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