Just got off the phone with the man I bought my pigeons food from. He
was supposed to email me an ingredience list so i got it over the
phone. We got to talking about GMO and GEO foods and he mentioned
that the peaches and cream corn we buy in the store is owned by
Navardis, a pharmesutical company in europe. It has been modified so
the corn borers don't recognize it as corn and don't do damage to the
crops. Not something I wanted to hear. No wonder they look so perfect
in the store.
was supposed to email me an ingredience list so i got it over the
phone. We got to talking about GMO and GEO foods and he mentioned
that the peaches and cream corn we buy in the store is owned by
Navardis, a pharmesutical company in europe. It has been modified so
the corn borers don't recognize it as corn and don't do damage to the
crops. Not something I wanted to hear. No wonder they look so perfect
in the store.