Well Ladies and Gents, I have an update. Got the preliminary culture results back. She was infected with a Pig Bacteria!
I have the scientific name written down, but its out in the truck... and its -37 right now. Not going out to fish it out!
Its E. Brucella (or something like that). I say pig bacteria partly in jest, partly not. Its most common in pigs, of which we keep none, and none have ever been kept here. However, we aquired two tractor tires to use as feeders two years ago. They were from a farm that kept pigs, but they haven't kept pigs for at least 5 years. Weather the bacteria could survive on the tires that long, who knows. The horses were also run through the fence last year (we suspect by a dog) and ended up down the road right next to an industrial pig barn. I suspect the feild they were standing in was 'fertilized' with pig manure.
How the mare has this bacteria after being at her winter boarding area (1/2 hr away) for four months I do not know. We're going to do a bath with hibitaine soap (antibacterial) soon as the weather breaks (in, like, 3 months
Because the only thing I can come up with is this bacteria must be living on their skin.
The good news is, its not penicillin resistant, so us treating with that has been correct, even though we didnt for sure know it at the time. I'm going to get a couple more 'spare' swabs, just in case it happens again before spring, see if its the same bacteria.
Thank you all for your support, its been a rough go, but we have some answers now at least!