I have a 7week old SLW chick that I hatched from my own eggs. He looked healthy when he was hatched, but when he was 2 weeks old I noticed a swelling on his hock and he became non- weight bearing on that leg. He has progressively gotten worse and now the bottom half of his leg from the hock down is turned out at a gross angle, almost like his bones (the tibia & metatarsus) are not held together at the joint. I just attributed it to an injury of some kind, but now I am noticing a 2 week old BCM chick that I hatched from eggs I purchased from a good breeder is beginning to show the same symptoms. So I'm starting to think that the SLW didn't have an injury. Is it possible that this problem is from my incubator? I incubated & hatched in a circulated air hovabator, my temps ranged from 98.4 to 100.4, and my humidity was 35-45% during incubation & 70%+ during hatching. Any thoughts what this could be or someone who experienced something similar?
Western Canada Poultry Swap