I single mate or trio mated my males in the trio mating I use sisters, so 1 male over either 1 female or 2 sisters. Each male is rotated every other day to a new pen and each egg is marked, which pen it comes from. So right now I am using for instance 4 different Black OEG males each rotating over aprox. 4 females. Each egg is marked and each chick is identified with a toe marking as they leave their hatching area. I keep a record book each year with the different matings and markings, so I know what breedings produced the best offspring. I do this type of breedings with all my breeds, time consuming but the results are worth it. Sometimes I will only use one male but usually it is 2 or 3 different related boys, but every chick is tracked for bloodline.
My females are never with males other than in the breeding pens so I never have to worrry about separating before breeding as I can start from the git go.