I had a trio of coyotes get into my coop last night and they managed to anialate my silkies, some ameracauna, my dutch mille fleur hen, and a few others on top of mauling my lavender ameracauna roo. We were able to shoot 2 of them, and wounded the third so he won`t be coming back. My poor roo is in pretty rough shape. He is not wanting to eat or drink, and is just sitting still with his eyes squeezed shut. He is missing alot of feathers, the skin is broke in a few places, but otherwise seems to be okay. I can`t find any bones that feel broke, or anything but it is hard to tell. I have him in a small dog crate in my home with access to food and water, but not sure what else to do for the poor boy. I am hoping he will pull through, but I just donot know. Any help would be appreciated!
Western Canada Poultry Swap