Heel low:
Yes, we have Wishards! These are some of the ones we imported from the States, the turkeys we had to search high and low to find. All our foundation birds are from stocks tested for Myoplasma (Chronic Respiratory Disease or infectious sinusitis) and it goes without saying that we have them on a Blackhead preventative program.
Seven week old Heritage Turkey Poults
- July 21, 2008
This is turkey hen Gerry. She is so ugly, she is cute!! She is peering up at me to see if I have brought any treats and if no treats, she likes to bite any shiny buttons or snaps on my coat.
We do let the turkeys out on grass, but ONLY after we have had dry weather in the summer time. My son laughs as he came to visit one day and asked Dad where I was. He came looking and was laughing when he found Fixins and I. Told me that I am the only person he knows that would be sitting on the lawn surrounded by a flock of turkeys. We both think the turkeys need to reconsider their chosen "leader!" Fixins loves eating cooked chicken and turkey and we figure if she figures out that the live turkeys are one of her favorite foods, the turkeys will not be running after her, but away from her, real fast! LOL You see that one hen there with her wings half open, skipping along after "turkey leader" Fixins.
We only sell birds as adults; no eggs, no chicks/poults/ducklings or started stocks.
Doggone & Chicken UP!
Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta
- Miss yah Makes; December 7, 1995 – February 4, 2011 ^~~^
WF: DUCKS: Calls (24 varieties), East Indies, Mandarins, Crested Ducks, Australian Spotted, Hookbills, & Appleyards.
GEESE: Buff & Buff Pied American.
SWANS: Australian Black.
LF: BANTAM Brahmas, Wyandottes, Booteds, & Chanteclers & STANDARD Chanteclers (Partridge, Buff, Orange Clay, & White).
Heritage TURKEYS (Jersey Buff, Wishard Bronze, Narragansett, Slate, Red Bronze, Rusty Black, Red Blue Bronze, Lilac, & Sweetgrass).
PHEASANTS: Red Golden & Silver.
Registered: Australian Cattle Dogs, Jacob Sheep, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, & Llamas. Pond Fish.
Arcticsun wrote:You have Wishards!!!!! WOOHOO!!!
I would love some chicks/eggs!!!!
Oh, perhapse the word "unimproved" would work better if the quotation marks were moved just a little... to un"improved"
Yes, we have Wishards! These are some of the ones we imported from the States, the turkeys we had to search high and low to find. All our foundation birds are from stocks tested for Myoplasma (Chronic Respiratory Disease or infectious sinusitis) and it goes without saying that we have them on a Blackhead preventative program.
Seven week old Heritage Turkey Poults
- July 21, 2008
This is turkey hen Gerry. She is so ugly, she is cute!! She is peering up at me to see if I have brought any treats and if no treats, she likes to bite any shiny buttons or snaps on my coat.
We do let the turkeys out on grass, but ONLY after we have had dry weather in the summer time. My son laughs as he came to visit one day and asked Dad where I was. He came looking and was laughing when he found Fixins and I. Told me that I am the only person he knows that would be sitting on the lawn surrounded by a flock of turkeys. We both think the turkeys need to reconsider their chosen "leader!" Fixins loves eating cooked chicken and turkey and we figure if she figures out that the live turkeys are one of her favorite foods, the turkeys will not be running after her, but away from her, real fast! LOL You see that one hen there with her wings half open, skipping along after "turkey leader" Fixins.
We only sell birds as adults; no eggs, no chicks/poults/ducklings or started stocks.
Doggone & Chicken UP!
Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta
- Miss yah Makes; December 7, 1995 – February 4, 2011 ^~~^
WF: DUCKS: Calls (24 varieties), East Indies, Mandarins, Crested Ducks, Australian Spotted, Hookbills, & Appleyards.
GEESE: Buff & Buff Pied American.
SWANS: Australian Black.
LF: BANTAM Brahmas, Wyandottes, Booteds, & Chanteclers & STANDARD Chanteclers (Partridge, Buff, Orange Clay, & White).
Heritage TURKEYS (Jersey Buff, Wishard Bronze, Narragansett, Slate, Red Bronze, Rusty Black, Red Blue Bronze, Lilac, & Sweetgrass).
PHEASANTS: Red Golden & Silver.
Registered: Australian Cattle Dogs, Jacob Sheep, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, & Llamas. Pond Fish.