Three nights ago something came in and killed 5 Black Copper Marans, 2 roos and 3 pullets one of which was really special because she was from a new line that I brought in this spring that lays an even darker egg than my current line. I was too busy to set traps that day and had to go to work that night and the predator came back and killed 13 more but from a different coop. Of the 13, 6 of them were Welsummers ( 2 roos and 4 pullets) and the other 7 were young Barnevelders mostly pullets. I also had to work last night but I made time to set traps yesterday before going to work and this morning only minutes after returning from work I ended the problem. You mess with the best , you die like the rest. Up until this week I had not lost any birds to predators since last winter which was only one hen to a weasel who promptly went to visit his forefathers. Have a great night.
Western Canada Poultry Swap