There are some things which have caused me to ponder on some stuff. In the past, prior to I would say, about the last four hatches, I have always been just a little to lazy to candle eggs when I place them in the quiet stage, which I have read about, which should be done during the last three days prior to hatching. always have candled around the 13th day only. Yes, for the last four or so hatches, I have candled differently. On about day 7 and then again around day 18. Then set eggs to lay on their sides, without any turning, as I have read, should be done. I am not new to incubating eggs, been doing that for about 10 years. Sometimes on that last candling, around day 18, I get nosey and with some eggs I candle and turn around, over, upside down, to try to get a glimpse more of what is going on. Never have seen much really, other than the heartbeat, so now feel it kind of a thing I won't bother with. But....on the other hand, I do like to do that. But on the other hand again, smiling, this turning the eggs up, down, sideways, as I have done in the past year or so, has made me ponder on stuff more. I have not had the best of hatches this past year, and many, many eggs, which have been candled on that last candling date, which showed from development, that they should have hatched, did not. Now I am pondering about pondering again on what has gone wrong and has drive me to distraction. Clearly, from this long post that I am embarking on, smiling that big smile. What I now ponder about is......the eggs that should have hatched out, that didn't, I wonder if they were the eggs that I had handled too much and turned up, down, around, to have a better look at. I can see absolutely no reason why all those eggs never hatched out. (many do during a hatch, but many don't, and it makes no sense whatsoever). So I am grasping at air, trying to figure out what has gone wrong and why. I am actually attributing these non-finishers to perhaps dieing because of too much turning to have a gander at what is going on inside. I know that eggs should not be turned after day 18. So, I guess my main action here, is to find out if anyone else can give some input as to what goes on during the last few days of the hatching of the embryo. Anyone read any studies on what goes on in the egg during those last few days. I think what I mean is...I think....not sure if I mean anything...but I think I mean this. Is there lots of moisture in the egg that perhaps if the egg is turned in different ways, such as I have been doing, that perhaps has drowned the poor little chicks? I just really don't know and am feeling very sorrowful about these chicks that should have hatched but don't. And as I said, no rhyme or reason, because I do have some chicks hatch. Some don't, as I said. So anyone???? Does anyone think that turning the eggs, such as I have with some, for noseyness, have an impact on the chick inside, for example, drowning? That is the only thing different that I have done in the past year, and sorely do wonder if this is the reason. Trying to figure out what has gone wrong with these little souls is driving me nuts. I am going to go back to the way I used to hatch chicks henceforth anyways. I will candle at day 7 to 13 and not after that. At day 18, I will not even candle the eggs, just put them down to lay on their side for that quiet time. I know that I used to have wonderful hatches, I am thinking my candling actions on the day 18 has been the culprit....thoughts anyone? Let's get a good discussion going on, smiling that big smile. Have a wonderful day, CynthiaM.
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