My weekend started off with a bang Why is it as soon as you don't have power or water you need to pee?
On Thursday night my water well pump gave up. We knew that our pressure tank was on its way out so we were hoping to make it last till we got our fencing done. It didn't.In the 16 years we have owned and lived in this house we have never had to actually do alot of work to this house. We have always kept up the maintence, but when it wears out you have no choice but to start replacing stuff.
We lucked out and had a couple of pressure tanks given to us from friends. The bad they weren't quite the same size as what we had in there but thats ok. Hubby put both in and wowwee. What a difference. I had a pump given to us as well but it was shot. So off to town to buy a brand new 1.
The tricky parts was trying to figure out how taxing this "new" task was going to be. After the inital shock sort of wore off hubby got busy looking at the net for different articles about this kind of stuff. So he had some sort of idea, but we still didn't actually know what ours really was. It took all day Friday just to get the pump out. This was because it has a crows foot locking pitless adapter??? yah I know. I totally understood what your talking about, now.Turns out this isn't a common type of adapter. We had to make a "tool" just to get this adapter out. Once we had that it was easy peasy or so we thought.6 hours later with some serious stress.
We finally get it out and figure out we have a shallow high flow well. So we only had to pull it up 50ft or so give or take some. But then when we went to put it all back together we had to make another "tool" just to get it in. In a lightening storm with an aluminum pole with a pipe adapter bolted to the end of it.
In the meantime its total time for us to do our own water pump replacement and pressure tank was 3.5 days. Not really all that bad considering neither one of us is experienced at any of this, but we are now We also saved ourselves thousands of dollars by doing it ourselves, whew. In these days of no water we were able to pack pails of water from the pond at the bottom of our driveway to still use the tiolet. Thank Gordon cause I think I would have lost my mind otherwise. I'm to add that it poured down rain this entire time just ask my hubby.
The up side of it all is how much I appreciate running water. Now its off to catch up my laundry and wash those dirty little country boys
On Thursday night my water well pump gave up. We knew that our pressure tank was on its way out so we were hoping to make it last till we got our fencing done. It didn't.In the 16 years we have owned and lived in this house we have never had to actually do alot of work to this house. We have always kept up the maintence, but when it wears out you have no choice but to start replacing stuff.
We lucked out and had a couple of pressure tanks given to us from friends. The bad they weren't quite the same size as what we had in there but thats ok. Hubby put both in and wowwee. What a difference. I had a pump given to us as well but it was shot. So off to town to buy a brand new 1.
The tricky parts was trying to figure out how taxing this "new" task was going to be. After the inital shock sort of wore off hubby got busy looking at the net for different articles about this kind of stuff. So he had some sort of idea, but we still didn't actually know what ours really was. It took all day Friday just to get the pump out. This was because it has a crows foot locking pitless adapter??? yah I know. I totally understood what your talking about, now.Turns out this isn't a common type of adapter. We had to make a "tool" just to get this adapter out. Once we had that it was easy peasy or so we thought.6 hours later with some serious stress.
We finally get it out and figure out we have a shallow high flow well. So we only had to pull it up 50ft or so give or take some. But then when we went to put it all back together we had to make another "tool" just to get it in. In a lightening storm with an aluminum pole with a pipe adapter bolted to the end of it.
In the meantime its total time for us to do our own water pump replacement and pressure tank was 3.5 days. Not really all that bad considering neither one of us is experienced at any of this, but we are now We also saved ourselves thousands of dollars by doing it ourselves, whew. In these days of no water we were able to pack pails of water from the pond at the bottom of our driveway to still use the tiolet. Thank Gordon cause I think I would have lost my mind otherwise. I'm to add that it poured down rain this entire time just ask my hubby.
The up side of it all is how much I appreciate running water. Now its off to catch up my laundry and wash those dirty little country boys