I have to ask because I can't stop thinking about it. Yesterday I went with my daughters class to a local petting farm that has chickens. Now let me start this by saying this is a very well set up hobby farm and they obviously take great care with their critters. The chicken area is huge and not at all crowded and very clean. There was 1 roo and about 60-80 hens but hard to say for sure since I couldn't see the inside and outside areas at the same time. The sign said they were sex sal link chickens but yikes they were soooo naked! No blood but the hens backs were red and bare. The roo looked like a baboon with the back half red and plucked bare. I saw no signs of sickness and so I ask the question is this normal for hybrid chickens? Our chickens occasionally look scruffy when molting but nothing like this!
Western Canada Poultry Swap