I have two pullets who lay double yolkers and I wonder what the story is with this. They are about 7 months old I think. One is a Light Sussex (Blanche) and the other is a Barred Rock (Fattybum). They are a fairly regular occurrance although Fattybum has stopped laying recently, maybe because the winter is here. Blanche on the other hand has just gotten her game on and eats like a ravenous teenager, laying these huuuuuuuuge eggs which cause me to cross my legs thinking about her laying those monsters after the teeny tiny wee things she had been laying before. We've had three successive biggun's now and I wonder if this is her master plan.
I believe they would not be good candidates to collect eggs from for hatching because success rates might not be fab. I was not going to breed from them anyway. Why are they laying like this, any ideas? Is it genetic or dietary or something else? I noticed them eating feathers so thought I needed to up the protein (plus a bit of extra fat) in their diet but Fattybum had been laying double yolkers before then.
I believe they would not be good candidates to collect eggs from for hatching because success rates might not be fab. I was not going to breed from them anyway. Why are they laying like this, any ideas? Is it genetic or dietary or something else? I noticed them eating feathers so thought I needed to up the protein (plus a bit of extra fat) in their diet but Fattybum had been laying double yolkers before then.