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Plain out and out annoying eye!

Hidden River
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1Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:52 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

Puleeze, who needs this, and not sure which forum, go I'll go general.  We went out the afternoon before last, youngest Daughter and I to await at our local Riverfront pub, just 2 minutes from our home, our Husbands, who had gone out for a 4 hour ride.  The boys had all entered to go on a poker run with a whack of other bike riders.  The ride was long, hard and fast and they got back, exhilarated and needing a drink and food really bad.  No one won anything, lots of prizes, but not winnings, just a wonderful day spent with many other men and women riding their motorcycles.  Husband rode his Fatboy, my Son-in-Law rode my nightster and a friend that has been living here for the summer went too, and rode his very souped up Honda.  Right, this was about my eyeball.
So, yes, when I got out to "out" things, like dinner, whatevers, I put on makeup.  Makeup is a nuisance in day to day living, as I always have wind in my eyes, wipe my eyes with my hand, and even waterproof mascara doesn't have a chance.  So on goes make up.  too tired by the time we got home, so left make up on my eyes.

Woke up yesterday morning with a very sore eye. Ouch.  Looked in the mirror and my right eye below my eye is quite swollen.  Oh brother?  A bug bite?  We did sit by the firepit for a couple of hours night before.  Look closer, nope it looks like there is a thing on the inside rim of my eyelid.  Oh bother and oh brother.  So in goes the drops of colloidal silver water to cleanse and then in goes the eye ointment, designed to fix eye infections.  How annoying.  Now my nose is runny all day cause I got irritation in my eye, my eye is bugging me and I feel miserable.  Blah.  Continue treatments all day off and on.  Get up this morning and the "thing" that is bugging me has increased in size.  It is now quite visible when I look at my eye.  It looks like the lower eyelid has a pointy bump on it.  Oh brother and oh bother.  I am annoyed cause I think it is worse than yesterday.  In has gone the colloidal silver water, in has gone the eye ointment and my eye is kind of runny.  Oh bother.  So that is my little rant today about annoyance.  And I am annoyed.  Not going to the doctor.  There is nothing to be done, except to keep antibiotics in there and let nature do its thing.  

Guess what.  I think it is the mascara.  Geeze, does that stuff go old?  Get bacteria in it?  I only wear makeup now and then, maybe it is just old.  But I clearly remember buying this in July, so it is not old, but maybe because of warm weather, does it get bacteria in it?  If it was ancient, I would think so, but pretty much brand new and only been used perhaps 3 times.  Blah.  I'm actually going to Shoppers Drug mart today.  They have a cosmotologist (gak, now how do you spell that one???)in the store, that all she does is deal with make up and pretty things that look and smell nice.  She surely can advise me.  Not a doctor, but I bet she deals with women eye issues a good deal.  Oh brother, so as I was outside for a minute, thinking about the gal at the drugstore, it dawned on me, it is not a cosmotologist, that the gal is, that word probably does not even exist. I think she is called a cosmetician (good, now that came up as being spelled correctly, so pardon me calling her something that sound rather alien). Anyways, so ya, feeling a little annoyed about my eyeball this morning.  I like to see things properly and when I can't, my life is just in havoc.  Oh well, guess things could always be worse.  Have a wonderful day, CynthiaM.

2Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:15 am

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

Sounds like you have this Cynthia.
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My mom used to get them as well, she wears make up all the days of her life...Even out doing chores when we were little. A combination of the eye liner or mascara and the dust made a nasty combination and this would happen. After a few days it went away on it's own, hopefully yours does as well.


3Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:33 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

You should throw out your mascara every month. Bacteria from your eyes gets into the tube and multiplies. Next time you use it you are putting bacteria laden mascara into your eye.

I don't wear mascara. Period.

4Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:48 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

You can buy packs of disposable mascara wands, so you use a new wand every time you apply mascara, and then you're not introducing bacteria into the tube. My staff make up artist uses them, I could ask her where she buys them, if anyone is interested.


5Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:15 am



When I used to wear makeup, I'd keep it for no longer than 6 months before throwing it out.

I agree with Hidden, sounds like a Stye -- I get them when I'm stressed and good lawd they hurt. Pamper yourself. Put a warm teabag on your eye and let leak over your eye, it'll help take down swelling.

6Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:09 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

I keep my mascara until I can't scrape another drop out of the tube. I think the idea that we are supposed to throw it out every month is something beauty magazines say so they sound like they are concerned for their reader's health. But I bet mascara is full of preservative type stuff because if mascara truly caused trouble at the rate we seem to think it does, Maybelline and Revlon would be out of business. (check their stock prices and buy in quickly if you see a dip due to mascara related skittishness...won't happen)

BUT...some mascaras do contain fibres to build up the lashes and people with sensitive eyes can be irritated by these fibres. Thus if you are prone to itchy eyes, you will want to find fibre free or hypoallergenic mascaras.

CYnthiaM, I doubt that your eye bump is related to your mascara, although I can understand why you would think the two are related.  I agree that it sounds like a stye. Basically an annoying pimple on the waterline (very edge) of the eyelid. Hub gets them now and then and I assure you, he does not wear mascara. His show up in the soft pink flesh inside the lower lid and they are small pointed pimples that feel like a grain of sand against his eyeball and drive him batty.

I treat this by taking the flat end of a toothpick and while kneeling on his forehead, pull down the lower lid and gently press and scrape those little bumps until POP, out comes some junk, the points are gone, and he no longer feels like he has sand in his eye.

If you are able, I would go ahead and pop out any gunk you can. It might speed healing. If you have a blocked tear ducts, putting a hot cloth on your eye and seeing if you can gently manipulate out the blockage won't kill you. Oh, this advice that says to never pop a pimple is written by idiots. Pop the thing, open the flesh, so your colloidal silver can get in and do its work.

If your nose is running, it might be due to a non-related issue OR the fact that you are putting drops in your eye. Put some bitter medicine in your eye and you will TASTE it, the tear ducts, nose and throat are all connected. And annoyed eye and eye  drops can very well lead to runny nose.

You're beautiful all the time, your joy of life makes you shine like a star, my dear.

7Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:13 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

Sorry, Uno, I must disagree. With part of this anyway. Using a toothpick to rupture a pus and bacteria filled bump around the eye is something I would never do! A sty can be drained by a doctor with sterile conditions. They are sometimes a result of a blockage, and could be caused by makeup doing the blocking.

8Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:59 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

They are sometimes caused by make-up, but not always. There is also a difference between a true sty and just an itchy bump on the eye, due to a make-up reaction.

Sue, where did this overwhelming fear of pus come from? The eye is a self cleaning unit, well provided with fluids that flush out foreign matter. As long as the surface of the eye is not abraded or broken, some pus that you pop out of your eyelid is not, in my mind, a life threatening situation.

I have spent many MANY hours in an emergency room with Hub, who has perforated his eyeballs more times than I can count. Doctors DO NOT have the corner on the market in popping zits, although it is mighty profitable for them to have you believe they do! I am pretty secure in saying that I do not believe CynthiaM would be in mortal danger popping a miniscule amount of goop out of her eyelid. Especailly since she is well dosed with colloidal silver and antibiotic creams.

Of course, risk tolerance is a personal issue for each of us. It has been my experience, and only mine, that popular medical wisdom is often politically correct stupidity. Just sayin.

9Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:20 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

Uno, I adore pus and take great delight in popping all kinds of pustules. I find it creepy, nauseating and exciting all at the same time. However, I would never purposely introduce a splintery, unhygienic piece of wood anywhere near the eye area where an unsteady hand could create further injury and let loose a torrent of pus into it.

I imagine your poor husband to look like character from a horror movie, toothpicks protruding from his face.

10Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:45 am


Addicted Member
Addicted Member

I am with uno I keep all make up until its gone. If I pay $35 for tube of mascara I am gonna use it all! I am a general make up hoarder.

Cynthia can you get some polysporin eye drops over the counter. You have to ask for them. Maybe that will help.


11Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:50 am


Golden Member
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Last edited by HigginsRAT on Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total


12Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:50 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Oh SoSepticSue, you kill me. I burst out laughing! Torrents of pus! Indeed.

I would NEVER introduce an unhygienic, splintery piece of wood, like a toothpick, into my husband's eye. I clean it first by spitting on it.

Believe me, really believe me when I tell you that a toothpick in his eye is the least of his concerns. He has had some astonishing eye injuries! I am amazed at an eyeball's ability to heal itself after steel slivers, welding spatter, and flying pieces of lacerating wire enter it. The man has spent more times with an eye patch than I can count. Me and a toothpick, pffft, small potatoes. BUt I appreciate your concern for his visual integrity.

13Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:16 pm


Addicted Member
Addicted Member

 Okay... NO ONE is going to like me for this.
Cynthia, I have seen you and girl you do not need to wear eye makeup! I think that women look ridiculous with make up on. Ditch it all-throw it away! and save your puss filled cesspools of infectious delights for some other body part..you guys are sick Rolling Eyes 

14Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:34 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Uno's husband after she gets through with him:

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15Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:06 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Ba ha ha! You should be banned.

16Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:49 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

uno wrote:Ba ha ha! You should be banned.  
Jayme? A ruling here please!

17Plain out and out annoying eye! Empty Re: Plain out and out annoying eye! Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:41 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

From ask.com, quoted below:

Styes can be triggered by poor nutrition, sleep deprivation[citation needed], lack of hygiene, lack of water, and rubbing of the eyes. Sharing of washcloths or face towels should be curtailed to avoid spreading the infection between individuals.[7][8] Styes can last from one to two weeks without treatment, or as little as four days if treated properl

To prevent developing styes, it is recommended to never share cosmetics or cosmetic eye tools with other people. People should also keep their eye tools clean and generally practice proper eye hygiene. It is recommended to remove makeup every night before going to sleep and discard old or contaminated eye makeup. Additionally, one should try to avoid stress
So, ya, some kind words (Uno and Bigrock), you both clearly think I am beauty queen, Shocked, kidding of course, I look much nicer with makeup, trust me, the makeover is amazing, and Bigrock, shame on you, smiling that big smile, makeup is cool and I think you are wrong, smiling again.  Certainly only giving you a hard time and as you know, we can say anything we wish on our forum, we are all friends here.

I laughed at the information in the quote, particularly about the part about hygiene stuff.  Really?  Doubt any of that in my case, I am pretty particular about how I keep hygiene around me and mine. Oh well, neither here nor there.  I am into day 3 and the improvements are dramatic.  That pus bump that was the lid of the lower eyelid is almost gone, I can still see it this morning and there was less gunk in my eye this morning when I woke up than yesterday morning when I woke up.  I had repeated doses of colloidal silver water pumped in my eye (and oh that really felt very soothing, so did it lots) and the antibiotic ointment.  Looked kind of ichy all day, with kind of greasy look to my eye.  On the mend for surely, and yes. Absolutely and 100% I can venture it was a stye of some sort.  What you described Uno, in particular, was identical to what you see with Hubby.  Anyways, I can stop whining, cause I am feeling much better and not as annoyed as yesterday morning, so life carries on.  Have a beautiful day  my friends, CynthiaM.

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