I had a ISA brown hen, about 2 years pld. She was in great health, a good size and weight. One day she just quit eating and lost a lot of weight. We noticed it early and gave her an antibiotic and medication for cocci. She died. Luckily, we got separated her right away and no other chicken appeared any worse for wear. That was about 2 1/2 months ago. We now have a beautiful 10 week old Americauna, Blue Copper mix. She was active, eating well and was growing into a beautiful hen. Yesterday, I noticed her in a small garden area within the chicken yard that we have put our blind Khaki Campbell male into so that he gets food and can swim without being bothered by the other ducks. Anyway, Raven, our pure black mix was standing in Mr Magoo's yard, and she let me pick her up easily. I was shocked at the lack of weight to her. She is so light and you can feel her breast bone. I brought her into the house and gave her some water and a piece of corn to see if she would eat. Today she is listless, we gave her some antibiotics (just in case). She ate well last night, but today she is back to listless. Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem and how di I help? What could I give her? Any ideas? Please help as I do not want to lose her.
Western Canada Poultry Swap