We are so devastated. Our first broody hen hatched successfully 2 chicks, smothered one (which I believe was an honest accident, trying to cope with the first two active chicks), so we brought in the fourth after some zipping and it finished hatching in the house and was returned to her. They are happy, but that was one chick loss. Then our second broody had an egg hatch early, and she refused to budge, and it smothered in the crushed shell. Yesterday of the three left one had pipped and two were peeping. I decided to check on her at 4am and found the pipped egg also as the first, smothered and dead. The other two eggs haven't pipped yet. How do I tell the children about yet another loss? And what do I do about the other two eggs? She absolutely refuses to move. Can she suffocate an egg before it even pips? We don't have an incubator. Can something be rigged up to allow the other two a chance? Right now 3 successes and 3 losses (actually, 5 - a missed viable egg and an orphan wild bird that died - one son is particularly sensitive to these things), with 2 uncertain, is getting almost more than they can bear, and I am not far behind. I have two more broodies due the 21st and 27nd. Do we have to go through this again? I am not sure which is worse, losing chicks to incompetent hens or predator loss, both are equally heartbreaking. I sure hope the success rate moves faster than the failure rate over the next couple of weeks. Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulders , even though I am rather quiet on the boards. I follow the stories and have met some of you.
Western Canada Poultry Swap