We are so excited. Our first broody hen, Porpoise, a runt partridge chantecler, has 12 eggs under her, and one has hatched , and a second has pipped . This is our first time, and it is so exciting, and worth all the waiting and anticipation. In case anyone was not aware, chanteclers definitely go broody. I have 9 hens, and 4 are sitting on nests. Lots of broody hormones in the air! Strange, it did not pass on to the pen right next to them, but there is such a thing as too many broody hens. The white chantecler is due in a couple of days, so it will soon be chick heaven around here (assuming more successes, of course). These first two are going to be interesting to watch grow, as they are black ameraucana over splash ameraucana/black copper marans crossed hens, who lay very olive eggs. The first chick is so tiny and of course, adorable.
Western Canada Poultry Swap