I've sold almost all my 2013 lambs already but have been receiving messages about people anxious to sell their own sheep.
If you are interested in starting a flock of Shetlands or want to get some superb new genetics or colours and markings - here's a chance to find some at VERY good prices. E mail me and and I can send you their contact information. They are all in BC.
1. Breeder retiring from Shetlands in 83 Mile House - has fantastic genetics hard to find and wonderful colours. All registered with NASSA (North American Shetland Sheep Association) Two very handsome mature rams and a variety of mature ewes (I bought the oldest ones and 3 others yesterday!) and LOTS of fabulous 2013 lambs. Highly recommend.
2. Breeder in Barriere has a starter flock of six registered (NASSA) Shetlands, a great "one stop" way to start a flock! Very nice fleeces.
3. Breeder in BC (will edit to add location ) has a little flock of unregistered Shetlands she is anxious to sell due to family situation - even has a ram lamb to GIVE away. Haven't seen them, but suspect they are from Breeder #2 so very good quality.
Sadly all these sheep will likely go to auction (we know what risk that brings) if they are not sold privately.
I've shipped sheep across the country using spare stalls of horse haulers - they are delighted to help for the most part and are very reasonable in their charges, so don't let distance hold you back!