So I picked up a group order from Plentywood. supposed to be 246 birds I think we got 230. There is 25 dead and a few more on the way. Mostly Bantams died. The sticker is the papers were for 146 birds luckily that got missed by everyone. They came in 3 boxes not marked. I phoned to see if they could tell me anything about this order? What did you send ? did you substitute ? How many did you actually send? I was informed they never ever mark what is in each box and have no record of what they actually shipped or how many. They can read off the invoice of what you ordered but they have no idea what was actually sent. So figure out which chicks are which and did the $10.00 ones die or the $3.00 ones. They would like to know to the best of my ability which chicks died (for reimbursement) and they cant even tell me what they shipped. There was 8 Australorps which were not ordered and I was informed they were probably Ameraucaunas. So I guess I'm keeping a bunch of chicks till we figure out whose is whose. So which ones did they short us Ameraucaunas Blue Andulusions or Welsummers?
Western Canada Poultry Swap