Decorative yes, eat NO, yes they do roost high if they want, all of mine, close to 200 run with the chickens and the turkeys and guineas on 80, noise does not bother me and they are not as noisy as guineas, we have about 60 of them and they make much more noise than any peacock. The peafowl are an ornamental bird, last year over 1000 tail feathers that sold very well. YES I have to many, I am downsizing this year and selling off about 80 peacocks will keep all my hens since for all the years I have been breeding them most are very unusual colors, I will continue to raise chicks for people and the first person on my list this year is Lou and even if I have to take them to her she will be getting them this year, they are all very winter hardy except the Javas but they do well with all the others. Most of mine are very friendly I can walk up to any of them and touch the tails when they are showing off, my friendliest or calmest are the 3 older Java hens, when they were nesting last year in the bush by the house I could reach under them with out them moving candle eggs and replace them with other eggs. I guess all I am saying is they make the yard interesting and fun and exiting. I will ad this over 300 a day are killed in India for the tail feathers and food, no I have not tried to eat them I am also told that guinea fowl is the best tasting meat bird but I have not tried them either but am thinking about it.