A couple days ago I went to do chores and found 2 dead chocolate muscovey hens,one without a head,thought it was a weasel though we haven't had one here in the 31 years we've lived here.I put out a trap locked in the birds,next morning they were fine,went to the other duck pen where we keep our blacks saw some blood and a half eaten hen pulled partway under the coop.As I got closer noticed a brown nose and when I got closer he came partway out hissing and screaming at me,apparantly didn't want to share his meal.Went to the house for the shotgun,moved his meal a bit ,he came po'd out I solved that problem,didn't really want to but a mink could devestate a flock in a hurry.That first morning he also attacked an Ancona drake,he was pretty bloody but is back to his beligerant self
Western Canada Poultry Swap