Yesterday, the duckling was running all around. This morning, it has a limp leg. How do I go about checking if it has a broken leg without possibly hurting it further? If it is broken, what do I do for it? Can I do anything for it? It is healthy otherwise and I would hate this to be its undoing.
Other than the possibility of a broken leg, what else might it be? Could it be a deficiency thing? If so, why only one leg and so quickly? The other leg is fine. Both legs are a nice color of orange, no outward sign of injury and no bruising that I could see.
I am finding that it is a never ending struggle with these little guys. I wish things were easier... This duckling is about a month old.
Other than the possibility of a broken leg, what else might it be? Could it be a deficiency thing? If so, why only one leg and so quickly? The other leg is fine. Both legs are a nice color of orange, no outward sign of injury and no bruising that I could see.
I am finding that it is a never ending struggle with these little guys. I wish things were easier... This duckling is about a month old.