Oh pleeeeze, put that duck away. I guess some people will raise something like that, and in the case of the bird that got cataracts and went blind, different story. That bird had grown and ate. This bird will not find its food. The likelihood is very high that it will get hurt somehow, something will get it, or it will not grow properly and bring illness to your other birds because of stressed immune system. You must let that bird pass to the other side. This is responsible husbandry. I have a tough love, said this over and over. Strong birds live with me, I cannot and will not tolerate anything that may bring illness to my flocks, I cull anything that is not strong as the others in the tribe. Cervical dislocation, unpleasant, but to be responsible, this is what I think you should do. Please, still try to have something good in this day, CynthiaM.