I dunno and don't have much to say other than I don't vaccinate and won't. I have hens here that love to go broody (got 3 buff orpingtons right now), one cochin got 12 eggs yesterday (thank you Shipperkesue for the black cochin half dozen, another half dozen buff orpington went under her), another blue cochin went broody yesterday, give her a couple of days to figure out if she will stay setting, I'm sure she will (that will give me time to gather up some buckeye eggs for her, the one other buff orpington that pretended to be broody for a long time and never sat on eggs, just did the broody mamma sounds, gave up and is now laying again. I love the broodies. It makes for a little more work to keep others out of their nests and to raise the tender little ones, but I don't worry a hoot or a hollar about mixing the babies all up and growing around the adult birds. I think this totally bolsters their immunity too. Being nearby to dirt, feathers, dander all that stuff that floats and rolls around the chicken yard is the best thing for them -- as far as I am concerned, their naturally made vaccinations. It is what it is...I am totally for broody mamma birds, bring em. Got some cool pics of two buffs raising babies together now, along with the adult buff orpingtons that don't mind them a hoot nor a hollar. Good topic, have an awesome day, CynthiaM.