for the little kids, especially k-3 I use a techn ique called "Comrads" where you point out "Dorotjhy, thank you for sitting properly at your desk, Kevin, thank you for putting away your luch and cleaning yoru deks, I see 1,2,3,4 kids who have cleared thier desks and have thier pencils out. Thank you!" I will also often draw a little smile face on thier workbook , or give them a little silent thumbs up and smile, or a wink and smile from accross the room to indicate the behaviour I want and reward them. For the bigger kids I like little stickies with an THANK YOU! on it or a smile and nod. These are given out whenever, not when homework is handed in or a grade is distributed. That is different and may merrit something else.
I absolutely hate wrking in a class where they DEMAND thier rewards, or, worse yet, where they threaten to NOT behae, be quiet, do work, clean up, if I dont give them the reward.
I absolutely hate wrking in a class where they DEMAND thier rewards, or, worse yet, where they threaten to NOT behae, be quiet, do work, clean up, if I dont give them the reward.