Keep us informed, Dawn, you are doing the best you can, and I know you got into chickens thigh deep in a big hurry
. This is a good thing. You will not stop learning, through the good and the bad, that is what makes us armed with great knowledge to learn how to deal with our birds, and keep them happy and safe and well. You are never going to find the end of the road to learning, it just doesn't happen. I have been keeping chickens in real hard earnest for only about 4 years. It seems like it has been my lifetime, but it really has only been that short of a time. Dabbled with birds throughout my life, as did my Mamma, but never hard core like I am now. I still learn stuff almost every day about my chickens and how to care better for them, always learning, trust me, that is a good thing. In my coops the floor is earth, I think the deep bedding would work better in earthen floored coops than those made of wood. I can totally get that. My coops are also very large, well I think they are. My cochin and orpingtons have a large shed that was used for horses, it is tall, me thinks about 12 feet tall and is wide and long. I wish I had the exact dimensions, but it can house 4 separated areas of about 8 feet wide each, three pens and then my storage area, so I would venture it is about 30 feet by 15 feet or so. I am not space constrained, as far as ventilation, because the ceilings are high. The buckeye house is smaller. Again earthen floor and probably about 10 X 16, the roof is decent high too, maybe 10 feet, so I do not have issues of ventilation, air movement I mean to speak to, the soffits are open so moist air is released as it rises. Gads, why am I saying all this stuff, I don't know, just a need I guess. I think why I was talking about this was to explain how with me I can use the deep bedding, because I have the room to allow the crap to compost, smiling that big smile. I don't have to remove it because of odour or ammonia burning eyeballs, so that makes me kind of lazy and it just sits and kind of rots I guess. Well, I don't like the word rot, I shall reword that and call it decompose. Every few days I ALWAYS take a little of the stuff that is on the floor in the coops, which is a combination of rice hulls (mostly), shavings, some straw, from when I pull the old straw from nest boxes and put in new, which too is frequent, peat moss, which I always have a bag hanging around, I throw this stuff on those poopy piles below the roosts and it is layered big time. I think this also helps to pull out moisture from the chicken crap and helps to decompose too. I think if I put my hand in the pile of chicken poopies, that it would be very warm, decomposing stuff heats up big time. If I had a coop on skids like Uno, bet my bottom dollar that the poop would be frozen from the bottom up. Wonder if I could ever get the guts to put my hand deep into the deepest part of the poopy piles below the roosts and see if it is warm in there. I am a rather curious girl, I have latex gloves that I keep in my chicken house, for "those" things that sometimes need to be done. OK, I really do wonder how warm or frozen or what, those poopy piles below the roosts are, the weather is warming up really fast, so if I need to discover heat in the chicken poopy piles, need to get on it pretty quickly. my Sister and her clan here for the weekend, hey, she likes discovery, maybe we could do that together, and both get iched out, smiling that big smile. Sorry Dawn, took off on your post, but I hope it has made you smile. I have an evil smile on my face as I am thinking of some afternoon fun in the chicken house with my Sister, she does so love the chickens too
have a most beautiful day, CynthiaM.