Only real peeve I have with kijiji is that they should seperate "horses and tack" from "livestock".
I hate looking thru hundreds of horses and whatever goes with'em to look for that 1 goat, sheep, chicken or pig...
I buy and sell over kijiji and never really have a problem with the site itself but with the people that answer my ads. 90% of the time they only read the title of the ad and ask about things that are written IN the ad. And then go "oh, thats not what I was looking for" .... But I get those problems putting ads into our local newspaper too, instead of emailing tho people call with the same questions that have been answered by the ad already.
I rarely put my number up, I absolutly hate phones(if someone got something I really really want, something I would give my most priced posession away for, but only lists a phone number I will NOT contact them) and I wont answer the phone unless I know the number(paranoid or what?).
Lately I get a lot of: I am interested in *whateversforsale* please call me @###-####. Ugh I hate these emails, they go unanswered from me.