Personally I would have euthanized both spotted ducks as I thought them too far gone, or very unlikely to recover. My neighbour, bless her heart, came over to see how to help and asked to take the duck as she seemed to be a fighter. Indeed, it appeared to be a broken neck or nerve damage as although she was shocky, she would not stand and would keel over to the left onto her back. So now the duck is seeming to get better but still cannot stand and keels over, it's been one week now. So she's eating and drinking and now quacking. I cannot take her back if she cannot stand. If she cannot stand or move to eat or drink on her own I do not feel there is a quality of life there. I'll have to go see her in the next day or so and talk about what to do. I said I would certainly try to re-home her (she can't keep her) but I sort of feel like, you took this on, follow it through. I can't imagine many people wanting to hand feed a duck, wash it etc the rest of it's life. I'll have to tell her what she doesn't want to hear but although she means well she doesn't take this stuff well.
aye karumba
aye karumba