Some of the things I've learnt:
1. Order early. They sell out of some breeds quickly.
2. Order in multiples of the minimum ship quantity - usually 25 - or most hatcheries will add "males for warmth". Males will be usually be of the commercial hybrid varieties like ISA Browns. If you want only a few chicks of a particular variety, I suggest making up the order with a common variety like Rhode Island Reds. i.e. 5 Black Spanish + 20 Rhode Island Reds = 25 chicks. Total order should be also in multiples of 25 - i.e. 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, etc. or you'll get extra males added.
3. Combining orders with friends sounds like a good idea, but be aware that day-old chicks of many breeds can be very similar and males look exactly like females. For example Barred Plymouth Rock and Cuckoo Maran chicks are identical. Mixed shipments of similar chicks can sometimes take months to sort out. In any case try to get the chicks to a brooder with feed and water as soon as possible after pick-up. Don't delay by trying to sort on the side of the road or in a parking lot or there will be losses.
4. If doing a group order I suggest delegating one person to take responsibility of all phases of the ordering and receiving process. This person should collect funds, place the order, make the pick-up at the border post office, and deal with issues with the hatchery.
1. Order early. They sell out of some breeds quickly.
2. Order in multiples of the minimum ship quantity - usually 25 - or most hatcheries will add "males for warmth". Males will be usually be of the commercial hybrid varieties like ISA Browns. If you want only a few chicks of a particular variety, I suggest making up the order with a common variety like Rhode Island Reds. i.e. 5 Black Spanish + 20 Rhode Island Reds = 25 chicks. Total order should be also in multiples of 25 - i.e. 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, etc. or you'll get extra males added.
3. Combining orders with friends sounds like a good idea, but be aware that day-old chicks of many breeds can be very similar and males look exactly like females. For example Barred Plymouth Rock and Cuckoo Maran chicks are identical. Mixed shipments of similar chicks can sometimes take months to sort out. In any case try to get the chicks to a brooder with feed and water as soon as possible after pick-up. Don't delay by trying to sort on the side of the road or in a parking lot or there will be losses.
4. If doing a group order I suggest delegating one person to take responsibility of all phases of the ordering and receiving process. This person should collect funds, place the order, make the pick-up at the border post office, and deal with issues with the hatchery.