I began my adventure with the buckeye breed last fall when I received hatching eggs from Chantecler eh? They were brought all the way from the prairies to Armstrong. Of the eggs received, all hatched, the fertility was 100%. Of those chicks now only four remain. Two roosters were culled (I had four cockerels and 6 pullets) and three of the pullets made it to the adult stage. I lost a rooster recently due to a poisoning thing (oh these terrible lessons we learn in life). So I am now with 1 rooster and 3 hens.
I think very highly of this breed of bird. They turned one year old on October 1st.
They cockerels began to crow around the 22nd week of life. The pullets began to lay very sporadically at the age of 27 weeks. By the age of 30 weeks, they were all three laying every day.
Every day. Seriously. Every day. I have taken great note of the egg laying capability of this breed, and the hens do not stop to take a break. They lay every single day. Now going into winter, I am not going to be using artificial lights with any of my birds. This will be the first year that I have ever done this, but I want to really see if the lighting makes a difference with the three breeds that I keep. That be buckeyes, cochins and buff orpingtons. I know that last winter with artificial light of 15 hours a day, the buff orpingtons still laid solidly through the cold winter.
I am asking now the observations of others that keep the buckeye breed. Has anyone noticed if their hens lay every day, or maybe that has not been noticed. I am very stoked to see if they will lay right through winter without the extra lights on, and time will tell that tale. Please relay your experiences on how your buckeye hens rank in the egg laying capacity. I know mine are bang on, as I said, every day, not missing one day since they began the task of making eggs.
I am kind of wondering if I may have a special line of the breed that only lays every day for just me, and only me, smiling that big smile. Have a wonderful and beautiful day, CynthiaM.
Last edited by CynthiaM on Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : just a thought)