How do you feed your horses? Do you feed them at 7 before you leave for work and then at 5, just before you sit down to dinner?
Or is it 7 in morning and not until 7 that night, working on a strict 12 hour schedule? How many of you find yourself bumbling around in the dark, a flashlight held between your teeth as you balance hay in one hand and try to undo the electric gate with the other?
ANd how do you keep your horses from pawing their food, pooping in their food and stamping it into the mud where they refuse to eat it because it's muddy and poopy? We have tried various feeders only to have them yank the hay out of the feeder and perform the stomp, poop, refuse manouver.
Or is it 7 in morning and not until 7 that night, working on a strict 12 hour schedule? How many of you find yourself bumbling around in the dark, a flashlight held between your teeth as you balance hay in one hand and try to undo the electric gate with the other?
ANd how do you keep your horses from pawing their food, pooping in their food and stamping it into the mud where they refuse to eat it because it's muddy and poopy? We have tried various feeders only to have them yank the hay out of the feeder and perform the stomp, poop, refuse manouver.