Just wondering on peoples opinion on what should be around the bottom of the pen. I am planning to use sucker rod for posts and a top rail, but wondering if I would be smart to also do a bottom rail with it. I have been given approximately 200' of chain link fencing which I am going to use for the bottom half of the pens and then put chicken wire on the top half with deer netting over the top. I am building a pen each for my hens, banties, broilers, turkeys, and water fowl that will be 25'x20' for each pen with buildings added onto that. My hen pen will hold approx 20 hens, the banti pen will have 10 hens (I did not want to make it smaller in case I decide to get rid of most of my bantis and go with more standard fowl, broilers will have approx 75, but only for a few months each year, turkeys would max out at 20 but would not hold that many over winter, and the water fowl will hold a trio of muscovies, a trio of blue swedish, and a couple pairs of geese. Would these runs be big enough for this? What is everyones opinion on the fencing idea?
Western Canada Poultry Swap